Monday 23 December 2013

Whats your square??

So we decided to take a break for from our floating exhibition.... it was repetitive and it has been to long since we focused on other thing and i forgot how to use creativity haha

Miss Lisa came into class one morning and then asked use what our square?... no one knew what she meant at first but after the lectured that mornin' it i finally get it..did you know it was possible to cut out a square and turn it into something else completely... but at the same time keep it a square...

like so

I mean its hard to understand at first but. but after researching it i understand... we had to go outside the box... literally!

but first a theme...

you all know my art.. graffiti all the way! like typography and stuff but I wouldnt be thinkin outside the box now am I??
 then i stumble across this
 this is typography done in a square and ive seen graffiti artist use this before so i thought it would be cool to use this... but i dont feel it...not for this assignment.

so one day while doing research on it i came a graffiti style which was witty... it was on insects... you know.. these things..

It was funny... people would get scared seeing this on the streets... so simple but it grab such attention... i want my square to be able to do this to...

So its decided that the theme of my square was insects.... and we had to do 2 composition for it... symmetrical and asymmetrical... so here's what i did...

but wait presentation in class it lame cause it been done so many time hahah so we took it out side that box we call classroom and guess what? we blocked the walk way one the second floor on lever 2 hahah this was way more more exciting... and i didn't think we were able to exhibit it like this.. take a look 

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